
aim 4 order

Finding your kitchen counters

Finding Your Kitchen Counters Quote of the Month “If you start now, you’ll begin seeing results one day earlier than if you start tomorrow.” -Seen on Gigi Causey’s Facebook Page (Gigi  is an amazing realtor, by the way). It’s hard to argue with that logic, right? So what one thing can you do TODAY instead […]

Procrastination leads to clutter.

Procrastination and your clutter

Fear is the parent of procrastination. Procrastination is the thief of time. Time is money. ~ Unknown Procrastination in keeping your home organized can have its roots in fear or other emotions. Procrastination leads to clutter and clutter leads to more procrastination. Once you get a handle on that, you can let it go and […]

aim4order professional organizer

Decluttering the Empty Nest

Decluttering the Empty Nest Quote of the Month ” If only I had more laundry to do” said no empty nester parent ever. -Unknown I thought this picture might be more fun than a bin of dirty laundry….but I digress. Since my nest just became empty, I thought it would be timely to talk about […]

summer closet declutter

Closet declutter

End of summer closet declutter Before you know it we’ll be putting away the flip flops and shorts and moving toward clothing with longer sleeves and heavier fabrics. While we are still in the warm weather, it’s a good time to do a closet declutter and figure out what clothes you want to keep for […]

aim4order professional organizer

How to Beat the Heat

How to Beat the Heat Quote of the Month “Well Begun is Half Done.” -Mary Poppins (but originally from Aristotle) This was the catch phrase that Mary Poppins used to get the Banks children to tidy up their rooms. This little gem of a saying can be used for ANYtime you are dreading a task […]

new school year is almost here

The new school year is right around the corner

It’s only 4-6 weeks before kids are back in session for the new school year. While we’re still in the throes of summer, it’s not too early to start planning for the kids going back to school or heading off to college. How can this process go more smoothly? Clothes The smaller the child, the […]

In the summer declutter challenge purge items you really don't need like too many water bottles.

Summer declutter challenge

The Aim 4 Order summer declutter challenge will help you get rid of clutter that is no longer useful to you. In the next 45 days commit to removing things around your home that you can discard without even missing them. These are things that people stockpile or are obsolete. Either way, you can probably live […]

Take steps to have an organized life

Steps for an organized life

We all want to have an organized life. Here are some suggestions that can make things easier for you as you declutter your home. Make the decision now Don’t spend too much time on the decision-making step of getting organized. Once you start organizing, keep moving. Look at each item and then make a decision […]

Stay organized when you work from home

More and more businesses are allowing their workers to work from home at least one day per week. Others work from home all of the time. It’s hard to get the job done if you are not organized in your home office. Set your hours Time management is the most important aspect of working at […]

quick organizing jobs around the house

Quick organizing jobs

Quick organizing jobs around the house You don’t have to do these quick organizing jobs all at once. Break things down into smaller tasks that are easier. Here is a list of some of the jobs that will take about a half hour or less to get you started. Organize the kitchen junk drawer We […]