aim4order professional organizer

Back to Basics

MAY 2018

tips and tricks may back to basics“Even if you can’t bring yourself to get rid of your stuff, your heirs will have no such qualms at all.”

– Finn Murphy, author of The Long Haul
This sentiment is one of the leading reasons that people contact me… they don’t want their children to toss everything in a dumpster OR they don’t want their families to deal with the mess that they’ve left.

10 Basic Principles

to help you get your stuff in order.

We’ve all been blessed with talents that come naturally and other areas that pose greater challenges. People often comment that they don’t know how I do what I do. And I often reply – we all have our strengths and if you asked me to pick a paint color for you, I’d be at a loss. But if you ask me to figure out how to create more space, I’m all in!
My goal this month is to share with your “Basic Principles” that may not occur to you when you’re faced with piles of stuff around the house… OR, it might be a good refresher for you if you’re feeling too swamped to think straight.
Here goes:

1. The things you use the most should be in the easiest to access location.

2. If something needs repair and you haven’t done it in the last 1-2 years, let it go (or give yourself 30 days from now to get it done).

3. Stop saving stuff for other people. (Forgive me for repeating myself, but “No response is a response.”)

4. Put like things together so you can determine if you have too much of the same thing. (think T-shirts, socks, towels, sheets)

5. When in doubt, leave it out… especially when it comes to shopping.

6. Once something has a home, take the extra minute to put it back in its home right away. (If a task takes less than 2 minutes to complete, just do it right away before you get distracted again).

7. Clothes that don’t fit shouldn’t be taking up room in your closet. If you can’t part with them, pack them up, label them and store in a less utilized area of your home.

8. Pick your clothes out the night before.

9. Set small goals so you can feel proud of yourself – 5 minutes of decluttering is better than no minutes of decluttering!

10. If your quality of life is affected by clutter and disorganization, get help.

Ebay Item of the Month


One of the quickest and easiest things to sell on eBay are brand new (or nearly new) shoes in the box. Take a peek in your closet to see if you have nice shoes that you’ve bought and never worn. Athletic shoes, designer shoes and boots are all winners. Contact Howard if you’d like to discuss shoes or anything else you may have hanging around your home.

“Helping Baby Boomers and their Parents Lighten their Loads.”

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home, contact me. Together, we can transform your home into a happy, tidy place where you can feel at peace. We can also get you ready for your next move… more enjoyable, faster and easier!


Cindy Bernstein, Owner and Professional Organizer

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