aim4order professional organizer

Tips & Tricks: October 2015

Quote of the Month

time for change“We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things.”  Jim RohnHow many of us get side tracked on a less-than-important-task? It happens – to ALL of us. The trick is to limit the frequency that this happens, especially if the major things are not getting done. There’s something called the Pomodoro method that can help you monitor the amount of time you spend during your day. There’s even an app! The bottom line is to plan how much time a certain task will take (be honest with yourself above all else) and then allocate the time and limit distractions. Limiting distractions (another name for ‘minor things’ is another tough habit to embrace). Practice makes perfect so start practicing today!


A special WELCOME to our new subscribers. We are happy
to have you with us and hope you enjoy this month’s issue.

Clutter Enemy #3 – INDECISION

indicisionThe definition of clutter is delayed decision making. It seems easier to toss something to the side to deal with later rather than to risk answering or deciding something without a well thought out thorough analysis. But guess what? Most of us don’t have time for a thorough analysis of everything that crosses our path or our desks or our minds each day. The next best thing is to get in the habit of making decisions as these things come to your attention. For example, if there’s a charity event that’s coming up like a walk or a run and you’d like to do it but don’t know if anyone else would do it with you, there are a couple of ways to handle this:

1. Have ONE place where you put ‘things to decide’ and then deal with them DAILY – or at least WEEKLY by scheduling time to go handle each item.
2. Put the date on your calendar, email/text/call potentially-involved people right away and if there is no response within a day or two, take it as a no and move on.
3. If you can’t say YES or NO immediately, then take it as a no and forget about it.

This can sound risky, but how many times have the undecided lingering things been ignored so long that they’re obsolete?
I hope I’m not causing heart failure with this ‘do it now’ kind of approach, but getting things done is all about getting things done as they surface. (Of course this doesn’t apply to EVERYTHING….). But along with the quote of the month above, knowing and planning the time you need to handle the important and not important things of life is a skill that must be taught and practiced until it’s learned. If you missed the class on managing your time well, consider setting up a session with me to improve the way your time is handled. It would be my honor!

Green Tip of the Month

Fall Paper Shredding Events 

make it happenFree or low cost shredding is almost as exciting (to me) as going to the dump to get rid of an old mattress. If you know me, you know I’m not kidding.


So if you’ve got a pile of old phone bills, utility bills, expired auto insurance policies, receipts, bank statements…anything that you feel can’t be recycled, pick a shred date and feel the freedom that comes from letting go of the old.


Here is a partial list of what I’ve seen in the Baltimore area and hopefully there are even more shredding events in your part of town. Just “Google” Community Shred Events and see what comes up.


Saturday, October 17th – Noon – 3pm (free if you bring a can of food to donate)
Gigi Causey Realtor, Cummings & Co.
9607 Belair Road
Nottingham, MD 21236


Sunday, October 18th – 9am – 12 (Shred and e-cycling)
Chizuk Amuno Congregation
8100 Stevenson Road
Baltimore, MD 21208


Sunday, October 25th – 9am – 12 (Shred)
Beth El Congregation
8101 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21208


Sunday, November 8th – 1pm – 3 pm (Shred)
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
7401 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21208


If you have more than 10 boxes of paper in your home or office, you might be better calling a shredding company to come to you. My favorite company is Secured Shred. Ask for Kim or Jim and tell them I sent you!

“Helping Baby Boomers and their Parents Lighten their Loads.”

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home, contact me. Together, we can transform your home into a happy, tidy place where you can feel at peace. We can also get you ready for your next move more enjoyably, faster and easier!
Cindy Bernstein, Owner and Professional Organizer