Back-to-school organizing

Back-to-school organizing

Summer is coming to a close. It’s almost that time when the kids go back to the classroom. Some will go back virtually, some in person, but school will start either way. Here are some back-to-school organizing ideas that will help keep everything in order. Get supplies You probably received a list of supplies that […]

new school year is almost here

The new school year is right around the corner

It’s only 4-6 weeks before kids are back in session for the new school year. While we’re still in the throes of summer, it’s not too early to start planning for the kids going back to school or heading off to college. How can this process go more smoothly? Clothes The smaller the child, the […]

ready for the new school year

Organizing for the new school year

School time is here. Getting the kids squared away is a challenge even for the most organized person. Here are some tips to help. Drop Zone Create a backpack drop zone so you know exactly where everyone’s backpack is after school. No more searching for the backpack when you are running late in the morning. […]

Aim4Order organize your kids' school clothes

School clothes

It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to an end, but the kids will be back in school soon, if not already. It’s time to evaluate their clothes to get ready for the new school year. August is the second-largest sales month for clothing retailers. They know you will be buying clothing for your […]

back to school time

Organize back-to-school like a pro

Yes, it’s just the end of July, but school will be starting before you know it. If you begin the school year organized, you have a better chance of staying organized throughout the year. Ads on television about back-to-school specials have been airing for the past two weeks. Kids usually need new clothing, shoes, backpacks, […]

Happy family on a road trip

Road trip – over the river and through the woods

Many of us take to the road during the holiday season. Before embarking on any road trip, it is essential to have an emergency kit and things to occupy your passengers. It is in your best interest to be prepared. Have an oil change and do any other routine maintenance if it is due before […]

Classmates at school

Ready for school?

School days ahead Summer is drawing to a close and it’s almost time for the kids to go back to school. Time to get a handle on schedules, study time, after school activities and everything else that comes with the territory. Get a jump on things by starting the process now to stay organized throughout […]

laundry day stress can be devistating

Laundry organizing for efficiency

It never ends. Before you finish washing all of the laundry, there is more. The stains won’t come out, the one red sock dyed everything pink – we’ve all been there. There are people who crumble into a sobbing heap every time laundry day rolls around, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Time for […]

kids artwork can add to household clutter in baltimore

Organizing your family’s artwork

Kids produce a lot of paper during their school careers. As spring rolls in, you know that the end of school is just around the corner. What will you do with all of your kids’ stellar artwork and school projects? Birthday gifts, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day add even more homemade gifts and cards to […]

kids clothing can take up a lot of closet space in Baltimore

Hand-me-down organizing made simple – with free download

Kids grow so quickly that it is difficult to keep up with their changing sizes. All moms inevitably end up with hand-me-downs. Kids are messy and many moms struggle to keep their belongings organized. Whether you are giving or receiving hand-me-downs, you want to try to make sense of them. Begin by washing all of […]