Start organizing today and make the most of your time

How do I start organizing?

We all have dreams and aspirations of being organized. But you might ask yourself, “How do I start organizing?” Every journey begins with a first step, so here is some help to get you going.

No guilt trips

Stop feeling guilty, embarrassed or anxious about the clutter. Forget about yesterday and start making a change right now.

Trouble spots

Figure out what areas of your home have problems with clutter. Where do you have the most stress? Is it finding what to wear in the morning? Is it getting your family ready for the day? Is it the bathroom? 

You probably know where the problem areas are. Just take an inventory by looking around the house and seeing where the clutter seems to go and places where you have the most stress.


Make a list of the most cluttered areas in order of importance. Put the most cluttered, stress inducing place first. List everything that needs your attention.

Family drop zone

When the family walks in the front door, what do they do with backpacks, shoes, purses, keys, etc.? A drop zone that will catch all of those things in one spot makes it easier when you are ready to go out again the next time.

Meal planning

Try planning meals ahead of time. Either preparing meals ahead or even just planning menus will relieve some pressure in the kitchen. Meal planning makes your next trip to the grocery store easier too.

A place for everything

Make sure your belongings have a home. You’ll never be completely organized if all of your possessions can’t be put away. Assign every object its own spot where it is to be put away after each use.

Address the paper

Get rid of the paper piles. This will surely reduce anxiety. Finding the piece of paper you need among a stack of papers you don’t is definitely something that wastes your time, aggravates you and is an unnecessary stresser.

Rome wasn’t built in a day

Start organizing a little at a time. Just like you are supposed to exercise for 30 minutes every day, you need to organize a little every day too. It’s not necessary to block out huge chunks of time for organizing, although if you would rather do it that way, it’s fine.

Celebrate your achievements

Cross things off your list as you do them. Do a happy dance. Pat yourself on the back. Take a nap. Celebrate how you see fit.

As always, if you need help getting starting on your organizing journey, I am here to help. Contact me to set up an appointment if you need me.

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