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Is Clutter Contagious?

Quote of the Month

“Don’t own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire.”
-Wendell Berry (“Prayers and Sayings of The Mad Farmer”
It is not unusual for first time callers to mention that they’d like to light a match in their homes as a quick solution to dealing with their clutter. Here’s to a 2019 where that won’t be necessary for any of us!

Is Clutter Contagious?

Although I’m no doctor, I’d have to say that the habit of cluttering is definitely contagious. When one is surrounded by other people’s clutter, it can cause that person to become more and more lax in their willingness to keep things neat and tidy. However, there are also people who become more determined to maintain order in their own little spot(s) to combat the disorganization and clutter that inhabits shared living spaces. Dealing with other people’s messes is not fun!
In the spirit of the season where strangers are nicer than usual, let’s try some strategies in our own homes to brighten the spirits inside. Consider these ideas:
  • Refrain from judgement and criticism – handle your own stuff before you pick on someone else’s.
  • Plan a family declutter-a-thon. Reserve 15 minutes during the weekend, put on some fun music, pass out some bags for donations and trash and see how much you can each gather before the 15 minute timer goes off. If you live alone, you can still play the game.
  • Do a paper purge of every piece of junk mail from the prior year(s) so you can start 2019 off with less paper. Spend as little as 10 minutes a day for the next few days and see how much you can accomplish.
  • Go on line and reserve a charity pick up to start the year off right – consider these websites for easy scheduling – Purple Heart, National Children’s Center, Vietnam Vets, Amvets or Lupus.
  • Celebrate whatever you accomplish – 2 minutes is awesome if it’s 2 more minutes than you’ve done previously. Success builds upon success!
Keep the momentum going and feel free to send me an email with your progress. I love hearing from you!
Thanks for spending time with me this year and here’s to another year of personal growth. Best wishes.

Special Offer

Is clutter contagiousIn honor of my 60th birthday this month, I’d like to offer a $60 phone consultation to anyone who would like to embark on a ‘Do It Yourself Decluttering Plan” for 2019. The consultation will include a 30 minute phone call where we will discuss your personalized plan of action for your own home or office, followed by a written plan that I will email to you within 48 hours of our call. Email me today with 2-3 dates and times that work for you.

Ebay Item of the Month

Antiques! Look for buried treasure in your own home that may have been handed down from grandparents and parents. If you’re not sure if it’s something of value, send a photo and we can take a look. Happy Treasure Hunting!
Contact Howard for more information.

“Helping Baby Boomers and their Parents Lighten their Loads.”

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home, contact me. Together, we can transform your home into a happy, tidy place where you can feel at peace. We can also get you ready for your next move… more enjoyable, faster and easier!


Cindy Bernstein, Owner and Professional Organizer

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