Organize dog and cat supplies
Pets are an important part of the family, but they also can accumulate stuff like people do. Spring is the perfect time to get your pet organized.
Food and dishes
Instead of having a bag of food, try using plastic bins for food and treats. Bins with secure lids are difficult for any pet to get into and steal food and it keeps rodents and bugs away. Label the bins so it is always easy to find the one you need. This is especially important if you have a lot of animals.
Travel often? A piece of tape or a label with feeding instructions on it will help your petsitter know which animal gets each type of food.
Pet foods have expiration dates. If it’s been around a long time and your pet never ate the food or didn’t like a brand of treats, let them go.
Get rid of toys or supplies that are broken or not useful including cages and carriers. If you no longer have the animal, you do not need its belongings or supplies unless your current pet is using them. Dog toys especially get a little gross after they’ve been chewed repeatedly.
Grooming and other supplies should be kept on a shelf or cabinet. If you can’t dedicate an entire shelf, drawer or cabinet, create a space with a plastic container or milk crate. Some supplies are best kept near where you use them, like cat litter, litter scooper, dog shampoo and old towels.
Grooming supplies like nail clippers, leashes, collars, coats or sweaters should go in the cabinet. Cat combs, brushes and nail clippers need to be put away so you can find them when you need them.
If you walk your dog(s) regularly, keep one leash per dog hanging near the door in your entry closet or on a hook near the door. Waste disposal bags can go near there.
Dogs or cats often have way too many toys. Store the toys in another plastic bin and let the dog have one or two at a time. Swap them out and keep your pets from getting bored. Some dogs love to rip the stuffing out of toys. Either sew them up or toss them right away. Don’t leave them sitting around unstuffed and waiting for repairs.
Carriers should be put away in a closet, basement or garage. One carrier per pet is fine.
Pet medications
If your pet needs medication regularly, have a designated spot for the medicine, away from where pets or kids can reach it. Depending upon the age and species of your pet, putting together a first aid kit may be useful. It can go where the medications are stored and can include vet wrap, quick stop (stops bleeding when you clip their nails), ear cleaning fluid, mouthwash, whatever your pet may have.
Put together a file folder or binder with your pets’ medical records just like you have for yourself. Rabies certificates, adoption papers, veterinary receipts and any other paperwork can go in the file.
Traveling pets
Do you take your dog to a dog park or other places in the car? You may want to keep a small container of supplies like a spare leash, treats, a sweater or first aid items in your car.
Happy pets
We love our pets and want the best for them. When pet supplies are organized, you can spend less time hunting down their supplies and more time enjoying them.
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