declutter time is now and then you can enjoy spring

Spring is Declutter Time

Declutter Time

The weather has finally changed, the azaleas will be blooming soon, if not already, and it’s an ideal time to organize!


Pack up the mittens, scarves and hats until next year. Hopefully, you won’t need them for a while. Winter coats can be moved out to make way for spring jackets, rain gear and baseball caps.


Casserole season is over and it’s time to make salads, grill outdoors and make lighter meals. Put your casserole dishes in the back of the cabinets if you are not using them often and keep your favorites up front so you can find them easily.

Make sure all of your plastic containers have lids, and if not, recycle them. If you borrowed something you never gave back, take the time to return it and free up some space.

You might also want to take a few minutes to go through the refrigerator and pantry to check for expired condiments, spices and other foods.

Living room

Winter afghans can be stored away in favor of decorative pillows or nothing on the couch. Find one place for all of your remotes so you can always find them. Some are small and can get lost in the couch. A remote control holder is inexpensive and reduces the clutter of your living space.

Recycle paper clutter like newspapers and magazines that you either finished reading or will never read.


Often times, bedrooms accumulate things that belong in other rooms like a drink you brought from the kitchen or a magazine you were reading. Put them back where they belong and declutter the bedroom.

It’s time to reorganize the closet for the warmer weather. Like in the kitchen, put your most popular items front and center and everything else back further.

If you move things to another spot in the house, make sure you are moving things that still fit and you want to keep. There is no reason to move things back and forth that you don’t want or use. Remember to label any storage containers so you can easily find them later.


Look through your bottles of cleaning products and personal care products. Do you have several half-used shampoos, soaps or cosmetics that you tried, didn’t like and will never use? Ditch those to make your under-the-sink area less cluttered.

The sun is shining longer and there are endless opportunities to go places this time of year. Don’t waste your free time looking for things you can’t find because you have too much stuff in your home.

If you are having a tough time with the clutter and feel overwhelmed, contact me and we can work on it together.

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