Free Time = Organizing Time?
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy Bernstein“Free time is death to the anxious, and thank goodness I don’t have any of it right now.” -Jon Stewart Just thinking about this extra day, February 29th, and how it can be best celebrated. Would you, could you consider it as “Free Time?” February 2024 Many of us yearn for ‘free time’ and many […]
Taking Action – Before Winter Ends
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy BernsteinThe time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery Remember when you said that you’d tackle a particular task on ‘the next snow day’ or ‘the next rainy day’ or the next whatever? It’s not too late!! January 2024 What “something” can you do now? If I had […]
Clutter-Free Gift Ideas
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy Bernstein“Less is More”-Author Unknown One of my most quoted sayings – and it’s as true today as it’s been for the last nearly 20 years in business. November 2023 I often try to come up with a ‘catchy title for my newsletter to capture your attention – I thought that “Less is More” would not […]
Now or Never?
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy BernsteinOctober 2023 The “Now or Never” Mindset There’s a kind of excitement when one is at the point of saying “Now or Never” – it could be whether or not to dive into a pool, it could be making an extravagant purchase or going on a terrifying amusement park ride…but can it apply to getting […]
Want to Catch a Worm?
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy BernsteinSeptember 2023 Are you willing to be an early bird? I’d like to think that “early birds” may have a little less stress than the folks who wait until the last minute. I do know that many people find that waiting until the last minute can serve as a great motivator to keep them focused […]