Where do I begin?
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy BernsteinAugust 2023 Getting started is probably the biggest obstacle to organizing. Most people have to be at the pits of despair and in total angst to take action. Once you’re ready to take action, sometimes overwhelm causes numbness and immobility and we end up even more distraught and discouraged than before. What’s a person with […]
How do you know when “busy” is TOO BUSY?
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy BernsteinJuly 2023 This is probably the first time in almost a decade that I forgot to send the JUNE issue of “Tips & Tricks.” It’s a wake up call to myself that perhaps I’m a little too busy these days. The silver lining is that I’m not the only one who feels too busy, so […]
Can’t take diamonds, can’t take gold….
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy BernsteinMay 2023 “Love is the only possession which we can carry with us beyond the grave.” — Suzanne Curchod I love the timing of music — I remember when I first met my husband, every love song spoke to me. And now, I find that a song called “Grave” spoke to me. Read more ahead… […]
Tackling Photographs!
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy BernsteinMarch 2023 “What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” Is it any wonder that it’s so hard to part with photos? Read ahead to uncover some tips and tricks about reducing the volume. If you thought greeting cards were hard (last month’s topic), just wait […]
Tackling Old Greeting Cards
/0 Comments/in Blog, Eliminating Clutter, Organizing for the home, Tips and Tricks/by Cindy BernsteinFebruary 2023 “Greeting cards routinely tell us everybody deserves love.” — first half of a quote from Zadie Smith Perhaps that’s why it’s so hard to toss them,? Read ahead for some tips on minimizing the volume you may have amassed in your lifetime. Here we are – just fresh off another holiday that can […]