
Organized people make their beds every day.

Organized People

If you are reading this, you are probably trying to get more organized. Some of the best tips about getting your home in order are from people who are themselves organized. Here are some things that these people do consistently. Load the dishwasher  Organized people don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight. They clean up […]

The holiday season is here and it's safer to shop online this year

The holiday season is upon us (during a pandemic)

The holiday season is here It’s almost December, that frenzied month where kids come home from college, decorations are put up and life can spiral out of control. It’s the holiday season and whether you have a family or not, this is a time when little work gets done at the office and parties (even […]

aim4order professional organizer

Black Friday Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks, November 20 “Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.” -Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart Black Friday Tips & Tricks Promise not to kill me, but […]

Too many books

What to do with books

Books can be an organizing nightmare. Some people have many bookshelves full of them. They are are big dust collectors that many times remain unread and unappreciated. Categorize and purge Do you still have old encyclopedia sets? Other reference books? Do you have novels sitting on your shelves that you either read or didn’t read? […]

building good habits

Handy habits to help you get and keep organized

Getting into good habits of being organized is something you can easily do. By adjusting daily routines to make small changes you can quickly see big results. Routines become habits Start adjusting your daily routines gradually. Don’t leave things out when you cook, put them away. Clean up dishes before you go to bed each […]

tips on how to keep your home office organized

An organized home office

Many Baltimoreans have been working at home for over six months now. How do you keep your home office organized? It’s not always easy, especially if other people might be using that same area of the house. At least once a week (daily is even better) you need to declutter your workspace. A clear desk […]

Get started on fall organizing

10 ways to start fall organizing in your home

The weather is starting to change and it’s time to get into fall organizing. We probably have a few more weeks of nice weather, but it’s good to think about what you are going to do as the temperatures begin to dip.   Putting away the summer supplies and clothes and getting ready for cooler […]

aim4order professional organizer

How to Get Rid of Paper

September 2020 “What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.”    – Pearl Bailey PAPER – Just the mere mention of the word PAPER can cause eyeballs to roll, sighs of despair and painful groans. I hope this month’s issue helps to lighten your load. Just Say “NO” to Paper We all hear […]

organized while cooking

Keep organized while cooking

The Jewish holidays are upon us and many people will be doing a lot of cooking in the coming days. How can you keep your kitchen clean and organized when you are cooking for a big family meal? Start with a clean slate (or kitchen) You know there will soon be a mess, but start […]

Repurposing things from around your home can actually reduce clutter

Repurposing things around the house to become useful again

Instead of buying new things, reusing or repurposing items around your home can make something new. It can be fun to find new ways to use what you already have. And, you won’t be adding to your clutter. People have gone way outside the box and created things like turning old TVs into terrariums or […]