
Get rid of computer clutter

Get rid of computer clutter

Just like the clutter around the house, computers can also have an accumulation of unnecessary data. It’s important to get rid of computer clutter because some of it may cause your computer to run more slowly. Declutter your inbox Going through email every day can be a chore. The longer you wait in between email […]

Leave nothing to your family…

March 2021 Leave nothing to your family “Follow the 40% rule: When your mind is telling you that you’re done, that you’re exhausted, that you cannot possibly go any further, you’re only actually 40% done. When we get uncomfortable, our brain gives us a way out — usually quitting or taking the easier route. Face the […]

Preparing for spring organizing around your home

Preparing for spring organizing

It’s been a long, cold winter, especially for those who have not ventured out much during this time of COVID. Spring is almost here and it’s time to get your home in shape for the warmer weather.   The clothes closets will still have your winter gear in the forefront for at least a few […]

Time wasters can wreck your day

Time wasters and how to make the most of your day

It is always easy to procrastinate. By busying yourself with things that are not a priority, you can’t get things done that you need to do. These time wasters do nothing to help you, but you can easily get sucked into them. Time management is an important part of being organized and there are some […]

organizing your home and feeling great about it

Getting started organizing your home

Most of us realize that we do need a bit of organizing in our homes. Some need more work than others, but knowing is half the battle in organizing your home. While moving through life, it is easy to accumulate things along the way. Some people are bringing new things into their homes on a […]

Aim4Order mindset matters

Mindset Matters

February 2021 – Mindset Matters “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller That seems to be the sentiment of the January Declutter Challenge members. Being with like-minded people working toward a shared outcome proved to surpass our expectations. Read below for an exciting new program being offered – […]

aim4order professional organizer

Got Books?

January 2021 – Got Books? “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” -Arthur Ashe The next time you feel overwhelmed, pause, take a deep breath and focus on right now. Right where you are now. Then, based upon the amount of time you have at that moment, do what you […]

aim4order professional organizer

Declutter Challenge 2020 – Join Today!

December 2020: Declutter Challenge “That which we persist in doing becomes easier — not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to do has increased.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Wanna Have Some Fun? Join the Declutter Challenge Hope you are enjoying some quiet time this holiday season. I’m definitely catching up […]

Forgotten spots that need organizing in your home

Forgotten spots that need organizing

Everyone has a few spots where clutter just seems to accumulate no matter what you do. These locations become a part of your home that we stop noticing after a while. We never get around to organizing these things because they have become part of the landscape. Here are some ideas to tackle those forgotten spots […]

Organized people make their beds every day.

Organized People

If you are reading this, you are probably trying to get more organized. Some of the best tips about getting your home in order are from people who are themselves organized. Here are some things that these people do consistently. Load the dishwasher  Organized people don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight. They clean up […]