
Dog you have a stockpile of items in your home?

Things we stockpile for no reason

We learned from our parents not to waste anything that can be useful. Don’t waste food. Don’t waste money. Waste not, want not. It’s time to consider what you really need and what is clutter. If you go to events, not that there have been many over the past year and a half, there are […]

a shredder helps eliminate paper clutter

A shredder is your new best friend

One of the most fulfilling tasks when organizing is shredding. You can see immediate results and get that instant gratification we all love. Some of the most troublesome clutter I see around homes is paper piles. Stacks of unopened mail, old correspondence, receipts and other paper can become overwhelming. Accumulated paper piles block parts of […]

aim4order professional organizer

Stress or Peace — Pick 1

AUGUST 2017 This is one of my favorite cartoons – notice how the person is willing to leave her piles of paper to reach for help. Is it time to let go of anything in your life? Is there someone who can help you to move forward? “You can’t reach for anything new with your […]

aim4order professional organizer

Tips & Tricks: October 2015

Quote of the Month “We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things.”  Jim RohnHow many of us get side tracked on a less-than-important-task? It happens – to ALL of us. The trick is to limit the frequency that this happens, especially […]

Tips & Tricks March 2014

Quote of the Month “Easy does it wins the race.” unknown Shred or no Shred I see a lot of paper in my line of work. Many, many people have an innate fear of getting rid of the ‘wrong’ paper. As we enter Spring, I thought it might be a good time to review the […]