Making To Do’s Go Away

October 2022

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” — Anne Frank

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.” — Pablo Picasso

There are two quotes this month because they will hit each of you differently. Anne Frank’s quote is filled with positivity and speaks to any effort being a positive one. Pablo Picasso’s quote is like a punch to the gut — and sometimes folks need that to get going. Which quote speaks to you?

May one or both of these messages motivate you to complete one thing today!

I really don’t like dangling “To Do’s” — even though anyone who is alive and breathing will likely have dangling “To Do’s.” Many folks create long elaborate stress-inducing To Do lists. Others write notes on scraps of paper and have them all over their homes and cars and, sometimes, even bodies.

Many of us have grand visions of all the things we’d like to do. And the reality is that we can only do so many things in a day. The givers among us want to do thoughtful things to let others know you care. The ambitious among us want to conquer new ventures, finish projects, start new ones, the list goes on and on.

Here are my suggestions on making To Do’s go away:

  1. Pause before you write a To Do on a list or a scrap of paper — is this a MUST DO or a “should/could/would like” To Do? When you are stressed and very busy, stick to the MUST DO’s.
  2. If a To Do takes less than 2 minutes to complete, do it right away. Perfect example is taking laundry to your room, putting store bought items away, putting the step stool back in the closet, etc.
  3. Consider having a “Wish List” To Do list for things you’d like to do if/when you have time.
  4. Pick at least ONE To Do a day — write it down in a prominent place, and do that ONE THING.
  5. Pick something that is REALISTIC to accomplish on the day you choose. For example, if you have a doctor’s appointment and have to go late to work, you wouldn’t write “Go to Emissions Testing Site” because it would be difficult to squeeze in a test if your work day is already compromised.
  6. Physically draw a line through the task you complete. It feels good, and it’s positive reinforcement to motivate you to pick another task for the next day.
  7. Keep positive — one task a day is enough!! No shaming yourself that you “should” be able to accomplish more. If you do one extra a day, you’ll have quite a bit done in just one week!
  8. Try not to punish yourself with lengthy To Do lists; it’s not helpful. Consider mapping your To Do’s on your calendar and spreading them out over time, rather than having a list that looks so overwhelming.

For the coming month, think before you write down your next To Do and go easy on yourself. And if it takes less than 2 minutes to complete something, do it right away. That’s the best way to get rid of smaller dangling To Do’s.

Declutter Challenge Club – Join the Fun in 2022!

We are a small and cozy community where you can get a healthy dose of support, understanding, guidance and laughter, too.

The Declutter Club is a cost effective way to deal with your ‘stuff’ in a fun and welcoming setting. The daily emails are short and sweet and the twice monthly Zoom calls are on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm for an hour.
Membership is open to all, you can start today or whenever you want. Would love to see you there! Membership includes the daily emails and Zoom calls.
If you’re ready to join the Club, sign up HERE
Please email me if you have any questions or need additional information.

“Helping Baby Boomers and their Parents Lighten their Loads”

Cindy Bernstein, Professional Organizer

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home, contact me. Together, we can transform your home into a happy, tidy place where you can feel at peace. We can also get you ready for your next move… more enjoyably, faster and easier. We specialize in senior moves and helping families find new homes for the things they no longer have room to keep. We can also take care of clearing out homes that need to be listed quickly for resale. Contact me to schedule an appointment.

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