Purging purses

For most women, a purse is a part of their wardrobe. Lots of handbags go with lots of outfits. There is a downside. Having so many bags can put a strain on an already over-burdened closet.

There are challenges associated with getting organized and downsizing. Try to find a way to whittle down the number of handbags in the closet or drawers. The result will be that you will have a lot more room than when the closet was jam-packed.

Shower curtain rings, pegboards and hooks can be used to organize the purses you have. But a better idea is to reduce the number of them. While some might remind you of people or events, holding onto objects that have no use except bringing back memories, is not a good use of space.

Go through and evaluate each purse. Do you have purses that go with a particular outfit, but no longer have that outfit? Do you have a bag that is an unusual color that is no longer in style? Do you love it? Hate it? Need it? Is it damaged? It is comfortable or constantly slipping off your shoulder when you wear it? Too big? Too small? Weed out the bags you can part with and sort them into categories: sell, donate or throw away.

Only high-end handbags are worth the effort to sell. Ebay is a wonderful way to rehome your purses. You can quickly set up an Ebay account and begin selling things, especially if you are computer literate.

If you are not much of a computer user, try a consignment shop. Finding one is as easy as checking through the yellow pages, literally or online. Your bags may remain there for a long time before being sold, especially if they are seasonal. Do not count on getting paid right away.

Donating your handbags will give you a nice tax deduction without any of the hassles of selling them. Just drop them off at your local charity. Many organizations will arrange for a pickup at your home to make it even easier.

Pocketbooks that are damaged, stained or otherwise unusable should be thrown away. If you have a super expensive bag that needs a small repair, repair it and use it. You must dispose of it though if you do not fix it. An unusable purse is simply taking up space.

Weeding through your purses will not be easy. However, a collection of bags and purses that is too numerous to fit on a closet shelf will make it look messy and obscure your view of the rest of the closet. Overstuffed drawers can be difficult to open and close, and can end up damaging the bags you love.

After purging some of the least used bags, you will eventually end up with a workable number. Drawers open easier, closets seem neater and you will have a great feeling of accomplishment.

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