
Organizing myths revealed

My situation is hopeless. Or, No way this will work for me. These are a couple of the most common myths about getting organized. Guess what? They are myths! You CAN get organized, no matter what your situation is. It works whether you are a neat freak or a slob, however, most of us fall […]

Should you rent a storage unit?

The short answer is, probably not. Using a storage unit is fairly common for people living somewhere temporarily and needing to store furniture and belongings. If, for example, you are having a home built and live with a friend for a year or stay someplace that is furnished on a temporary basis, having a storage […]

Organizing your jewelry

Most everyone has jewelry. Finding a good and organized way to store it is important to keeping necklaces untangled and earrings in pairs. Whether it is expensive gold or costume jewelry, it does not matter. It should be organized in a way you can find what you need without a fuss. As you organize your […]

Hidden storage areas in your home

In every home there is a spot that is not being used to its best advantage. Creating new areas for storage will make your home more organized and less cluttered. As you open up more space, your home will become more functional for the whole family. Some storage solutions are very affordable. If you take […]

Batteries, candles and light bulbs: the best way to store them

One side effect of getting your life organized is the feeling of freedom and success. As things become more organized, there is more space in your home and in your life. But there are those few things that no matter how you try to reduce clutter, they seem to be scattered. Batteries, candles and light […]

Managing medical records for a senior parent

Medical insurance is tricky these days. Seniors often have it harder than others, due to changes in Medicare, Medicaid and insurance laws. Keeping records straight can be challenging even for the tidiest record keepers. If some emergency situation were to happen to your elderly parent today, would you have the information you need? When your […]

Organizing large quantities of hand-me-downs for kids

It seems like kids are always outgrowing their clothing. The more kids you have, the more this becomes a difficult undertaking. A system to organize your hand-me-downs will help keep closets in order. Organize and save clothing to share with your younger children, donate them to charity, sell at a consignment store or give them […]

Senior downsizing: giving away mementos

As you downsize your parents’ living arrangements, deciding what items are given to which family members is a daunting task. Some families have traditions of passing certain items down to the daughters or sons of the family. For example, a mother may pass her engagement ring to her eldest son to use when he gets […]

Meal planning to save time and money

We all have to eat. Whether meals are for nourishment, enjoyment or a little of both, someone has to do the cooking. In order to save money and your sanity, try to plan ahead and have some meals ready to go at a moment’s notice. Going to the grocery store multiple times each week uses […]

To-Do List Got You Down?

You are not the only one who struggles with a To-Do list that’s too long. Most people write To-Do lists – but most of the people I work with either have very LONG To-Do lists OR they have dozens of slips of paper with To-Do lists from days, weeks, months and sometimes years ago. Let’s […]