Tips and Tricks

Tips & Tricks
September 2014
Quote of the Month
“People often complain about lack of time when the lack of direction is the real problem.”

Zig Ziglar


Ouch – this one hurts. Does that mean it’s MY FAULT that things don’t get done? This reminds me of another saying that goes “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” Before you go to sleep tonight, try jotting down on a SMALL post it note 3 things you’d like to accomplish tomorrow. Just 3 realistic things. And see how you feel after you’ve checked them off your list!
A great big “WELCOME!” to all of our new subscribers this month. Thanks for joining us – it’s really great to have you with us.
Baltimore County Residents
Hot off the Press
On Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 9 am – 1 pm, there will be a HAZARDOUS WASTE DROP OFF Day at the Western Acceptance Facility in Halethorpe, Maryland. For additional information, call 410-887-3745.
From April to November, you can dispose of Household Waste Materials at the White Marsh location.

Need Motivation?
It’s unlikely that any of us, upon awakening, declares – “OH, won’t it be fun to get the house all organized and tidy today?” So how DO we motivate ourselves to get started?
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Try the Fly Lady Approach – declutter 15 minutes a day.
2. Invite family or friends to your home which will force you to tidy up – but caution – throwing things in giant bags and totes and shoving them in a spare room is not the goal of this exercise.
3. Hire a cleaning service which means you need to tidy up and declutter so they can find the surfaces to clean!
4. Arrange for a weekly or even monthly donation pick up from Amvets, Purple Heart, USAMS, Salvation Army, MSAA, National Children’s Center or any of the many good causes out there. It will force you to get the collection going.
5. If none of these work, call me!
Don’t Know Where to Start?
I often hear my clients and prospects say, “I don’t even know where to start.” Starting always seems to be the hardest part. There may be millions of questions batting around in your brain and many ‘what ifs’ and ‘buts.’
Try the
“Aim 4 Order Approach to Organizing” and see how it works.
Here goes:
Observe and be objective – look at the area as if it belonged to someone else and see what doesn’t look or feel right. Sort “like things together.”
Remove and release what you don’t need or want. Trash, recycle, donate or sell.
Decide the best place to located the items – remember to move rarely used items to more remote areas of the house.
Evaluate how you want to contain the items – bins, hooks, shelves, cubby, space bag, decorative basket?
Re-visit regularly – if/when you see the space reverting back to how it was before, go back to the O to find O.R.D.E.R. again.
And please recognize – there are times when you really do need someone to help you get started. Decluttering, downsizing and organizing can be an extremely overwhelming, daunting task. If you are open to a conversation about working with me, please give me a call or email me.

Special Offer – 5 Free Home Office Recovery Consults
  • Do you dread walking into your home office?
  • Do you have stacks of paper EVERYWHERE?
  • Do you find yourself wasting precious time searching for important papers?
  • Are you thinking that one day you might qualify to be on the show “Hoarders?”
This month, I am excited to offer a complementary (yes, FREE) 30 minute “Home Office Recovery Consult” to the first 5 people to email me at This is a special opportunity for you to share your challenges and get a tip or two to help you jump start YOUR home office recovery.
If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please answer the questions below and send them via email to I will then email you the available session times so you can sign up.
1. What bothers you the most about your home office?
2. What is the biggest obstacle that prevents your office from being better organized?
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it for you to get your home office in shape?
Please include your name, phone number and address.
I can’t wait to consult with 5 new people and look forward to hearing from YOU!

Wedding Dresses Needed for Heartfelt Cause

If you happen to have a wedding dress stashed in an upstairs or downstairs closet, or hanging from a pipe in your basement…here’s an alternative that’s sure to make you feel good….donate your dress so it can become an “Angel Dress.” Angel gowns are made for families who have suffered the devastating loss of an infant. The gowns are used to dress the babies as the parents hold them for one last time.
I recently discovered Angel Gowns of Maryland. Lisa from Angel Gowns of Maryland is in dire need of yarn, notions, white thread, any sewing supplies and an experienced seamstress in the Glen Burnie, Maryland area. Based upon my travels, I’m guessing this is the right group of folks to ask. If you click on the link, it will lead you to Lisa’s contact information.

“Helping Baby Boomers and their Parents Lighten their Loads.”
If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home, contact me. Together, we can transform your home into a happy, tidy place where you can feel at peace. We can also get you ready for your next move more enjoyably, faster and easier!
Cindy Bernstein, Owner and Professional Organizer
You can learn more by reading the Aim 4 Order blog – check it out here.
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