
aim4order professional organizer

Tips & Tricks: Sweet 16

August 2020: Sweet 16“If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime – help someone else .”   — Chinese Proverb Aim 4 Order was launched […]

Decluttering doesn't have to be an all day affair

10 decluttering tasks you can do quickly

Spending hours or days organizing can give you big results. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the stamina or time to spend doing it. Here are some decluttering jobs you can do in 10-30 minutes. Kitchen counters Your counters should be clear of everything not used on a daily basis. For example, you can leave […]

11 things can you purge right now!

Some of us are still spending a lot of time at home. Are there things you are tripping over that you never use? Do you have art pieces that are more dust than art? Now is the perfect time to do a summer purge. Outdated clothing Look through your closet. Consider each piece and when […]

Living cash free has its hazards

Cash free living can be dangerous

One night you are watching television and a commercial comes on for an interesting product that you think you might want. Your phone is nearby so you look up the item just to see what is being said about it. It’s easy to buy things, especially on Amazon where your credit card information is stored. […]

aim4order professional organizer

The Final Chapter

July 2020 Negotiating through the final chapter in a loved one’s life can be difficult. “We understand death only after it has placed its hands on someone we love.”    – Madame de Stael It’s difficult to find a quote to introduce this month’s topic. Death is not typically an uplifting conversation starter, but it’s an […]

organizing the kitchen to increase efficiency

Organizing the kitchen while social distancing

Since we started quarantining and social distancing in March, Americans have been spending more money on food, cooking more homemade meals and spending a lot more time in the kitchen. So, organizing the kitchen is more important now. The pantry Go through your pantry and organize the food. Start by looking for expired items and […]

organize your closet today

Summer closet clean out

Summer is here and while the world is slowly reopening, many of us are still spending a lot of time at home. Seems like a great time to organize your closet. Attack your closet, one section at a time This is going to take a while, so be prepared. In order to really get your […]

pots and pans are ideal for attic storage

Making the most of your attic storage space

Attics are a tricky storage zone because they are not the best place to keep a lot of items. But if you know what works well in the attic, you can make the most of the space you have available. Not recommended: Electronics The temperatures can get very high in your attic storage area and […]

get organized and clear the clutter

Get organized now

This spring certainly has been different from springs in the past, and the accumulation of clutter may be more overwhelming than usual. While spending so much time at home this spring, we’ve all had time to build paper piles, clog up the closets and stuff things in the cabinets. It’s time to get organized now. […]

Working in a home office can be comfortable and efficient

Making the most of your home office

Many more people are working from home during our time of social distancing than ever before. Having an organized home office will make you more efficient while you are working from home. Make the most of what you have Every home doesn’t have a great spot for an office. You might have to find a […]