
clutter and stress

Stress and your clutter

Psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter said in an article in Psychology Today, “Clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about our homes, our workplaces, and ourselves. Messy homes and workspaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives.” Touching causes […]

aim4order professional organizer

How Do I Begin?

April 2018 “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney Have you ever heard of the term “analysis paralysis?” Sometimes, the best strategy for those stuck in the decluttering process, is to Just Do It. If you don’t know where to begin, read ahead! Getting Started… is sometimes […]

Storing hockey gear

Storing sports equipment in your garage can be difficult if you have athletic kids. And with ice hockey, there is a lot of it. Of course, this information translates to any sports equipment. Lacrosse has similar gear to hockey. Baseball has bats, balls, gloves and uniforms. Every sport has its own special gear and supplies. […]

tips for an organized home

11 steps for a more organized home

Trying to get organized is a process and not something that can happen overnight. Putting a plan in place is a good way to start that process. Being organized has a different meaning for each person, so create your own definition. Be realistic about what you can do because you know your abilities and limitations. […]

aim4order professional organizer

Your Spring Fling

MARCH 2018 “Owning less is better than organizing more.” – Joshua Becker Today I spoke with someone who outright asked me if it was worth hiring an organizer or if she should just throw everything out. Great question and I’m sure not the first time that a prospective client has considered this. Read ahead and […]

feng shui and your closets

Feng shui and reducing closet clutter

“Clutter can manifest in the body, therefore we try to keep clutter at bay so life can go forward and flow smoothly.” feng shui master Salwa Abboud says. Feng shui master and interior designer Catherine Brophy defines the ancient art as “a practice based on the idea that our homes are a mirror of what’s happening inside […]

shopping can lead to clutter

Shopping verses Organizing – Friend or Foe?

People who have organizing issues sometimes have shopping issues, too. The more one likes to shop, the more items accumulate in the home. Many shoppers have a hard time resisting a good deal and if it is a really good deal, they feel the urge to buy more than one item and often times many […]

aim4order professional organizer

Beating the Basement Blues

FEBRUARY 2018 “Later is the best friend of clutter.” – Peter Walsh Sometimes our basements are filled with ‘later’ items… read ahead to learn tips and tricks for getting your basement decluttered. Beating the Basement Blues Do you ever go into your basement and think “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?” Or perhaps, you know exactly why it’s […]

organize your master bedroom and live stress free

Organizing the master bedroom

Your master bedroom is a sanctuary, it’s the place where you go to get away from the world. If there is too much clutter in there, the sanctuary is no longer peaceful or restful. Instead, it becomes stressful. Sorting Get a couple of containers for giveaways and items to discard. Pull out everything from under […]

expiration dates

Expiration dates around your home

All food has expiration dates on the label to let you know it’s best to be used by a certain time. You might not be aware that a lot of other things around your home have expiration dates too. Cosmetics, medical supplies and medications are among the things that should not be used after they […]