
a shredder helps eliminate paper clutter

A shredder is your new best friend

One of the most fulfilling tasks when organizing is shredding. You can see immediate results and get that instant gratification we all love. Some of the most troublesome clutter I see around homes is paper piles. Stacks of unopened mail, old correspondence, receipts and other paper can become overwhelming. Accumulated paper piles block parts of […]

aim4order professional organizer

Dream a Little Dream – Teamwork

SEPTEMBER 2017 “Teamwork makes the dream work” Spoken by the lovely young woman who works at  Savers in Owings Mills. Teamwork Teamwork makes the dream work – first time hearing this expression and I loved it! Teamwork really can make all the difference in the world – whether it’s having help lugging boxes and bags […]

pick a task

Pick a task, any task

Fall is almost here and there will be a lot of things changing as the days grow shorter. Heavier coats will be in the closets, boots will be worn and sandals will be put away for another time. There is always at least one thing, possibly more, that really bugs you in your home. Do […]

know the degrees of clutter

Four degrees of clutter

Can you identify your clutter? It’s really not a question that is easily answered. There are many degrees of clutter. Some of the lower levels can be dealt with easily and do not effect your quality of life. Is everything neat as a pin? Are there a few items laying around that should really be […]

aim4order professional organizer

Stress or Peace — Pick 1

AUGUST 2017 This is one of my favorite cartoons – notice how the person is willing to leave her piles of paper to reach for help. Is it time to let go of anything in your life? Is there someone who can help you to move forward? “You can’t reach for anything new with your […]

15 minute organizing challenge to straighten up your home

The 15 minute organizing challenge

Instead of trying to organize your entire home in one afternoon, break bigger tasks into smaller ones and start organizing little by little. The clutter didn’t happen in a day and reducing it doesn’t either. Take the challenge and try to do 15 minutes of organizing every day for a week. Here are some thing […]

back to school time

Organize back-to-school like a pro

Yes, it’s just the end of July, but school will be starting before you know it. If you begin the school year organized, you have a better chance of staying organized throughout the year. Ads on television about back-to-school specials have been airing for the past two weeks. Kids usually need new clothing, shoes, backpacks, […]

aim4order professional organizer

Picking Favorites

JULY 2017 “It’s not about making the right choice. It’s about making a choice and making it right.” – J.R. Rim Let’s review some strategies to encourage decision making, which will ultimately reduce clutter in your home: SHOES When you see piles of shoes across a room, in baskets, boxes, falling off racks… how do you decide […]

eBay sales from aim4order

eBay as you Aim 4 Order 

Aim 4 Order is a family affair and my husband, Howard is now a full time eBay Top Seller. He assists our clients by selling items that have value on the eBay marketplace. Howard was recently interviewed and here are answers to some frequently asked questions about selling on eBay. How long have you been […]

weekend getaway

5 Tips for Organizing a Weekend Getaway

Can’t get away for a whole week, but you still want to find a place to relax for a few days? Here are some tips on planning a weekend getaway. Have a goal in mind Set a date and stick to it. Once you make reservations, it can cost you a bundle to change them. […]